Mind of a Leader:

Mind Set | written by: KRISTEN RZASA | HAYVN member and Program Facilitator

What makes a good leader? Like the perfect pizza toppings, the answer can spark lively discussions and friendly arguments depending on each person’s taste preferences, cultural background and personal experience. 

You may immediately think of leaders you’ve worked for, those who have led your community, or even iconic global leaders such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King or Winston Churchill. 

Or perhaps cringeworthy scenes from the media may come to mind: Michael Scott from The Office, Bill Lumbergh from Office Space, or Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada. Though they may make us laugh, they are surely shining examples of what not to do. 

Effective leaders serve as catalysts for growth, innovation and collective achievement. We expect our leaders will have some innate qualities such as integrity, honesty and trustworthiness, but there are also fundamental skills that can be learned and practiced that contribute to strong leadership. Here’s a round up of the most essential among them.

Inspire a Vision

Leaders have a contagious enthusiasm about both the journey and the destination. They paint a vivid picture, often through storytelling, that allows us to connect emotionally to the vision which in turn motivates and inspires us. Think Steve Jobs and his captivating product launches and stories to illustrate the company’s vision.  

Your dream doesn’t have to be as revolutionary as a new phone, simply tap into a mission that excites you, share it from your heart with infectious passion and see what happens. 

Communicate with Clarity 

A leader who can listen actively and understand their team’s needs is gold. A true leader encourages open dialogue to build trust and foster collaboration while ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard and valued, creating a sense of belonging and inclusivity. They ask probing questions, seek clarification when needed and paraphrase or summarize to make sure they understand. 

Whether we’re leading a department at work, a team or our families, communicating with clarity will enhance any relationship. 

Think about your most recent conversation. Were you actively listening? Were you asking clear questions? Bringing these reflections into your next conversation is an excellent way to develop a communication style that contributes to good leadership. 

Foster a Growth Mindset 

Strong leaders not only encourage growth on their team, but they also continuously improve their own skills. 

Growth mindset, a theory made popular by Dr. Carol Dweck, suggests our intelligence isn’t fixed but, rather, we are able to grow through consistent learning, hard work and perseverance. This mindset impacts how we approach challenges, respond to criticism and orient our goals.  

Try reframing something that initially felt like a failure as a springboard for growth and developing your abilities. 

Delegate with Authority 

This does not mean delegate in a firm way (although that can be helpful too).  Delegating with authority is not only assigning the responsibility of a task to a team member, but also empowering them with the necessary resources and decision-making power to complete the job. This is crucial for creating a sense of ownership and autonomy and also for building confidence.  

Combining these leadership skills—inspiring a vision, communicating with clarity and fostering a growth mindset—will enable you to delegate with authority and ease, and achieve the desired results. 

Ultimately, leadership isn’t just about telling others what to do. It’s about guiding yourself toward success and being the best version of yourself you can be. 

Good leaders empower others, creating a ripple effect that cascades throughout their spheres of influence. Good leaders inspire others to lead, and innovate and make a positive impact while they’re at it. Most importantly, good leadership can be learned! 

KRISTEN RZASA, is a holistic business and life strategist, productivity expert, intenSati leader and wellness educator who combines her corporate leadership experience with her background in health and wellness to guide clients. For more about Kristen, visit kristenrzasa.com. Learn more about the co-working space, community and programs at Darien-based HAYVN at www.hayvn.com